آمهری امهاری مهری
نویسه گردانی:
زبان اَمهری یا اَمهاری (به امهاری: አማርኛ āmariññā) یکی از زبانهای سامی رایج در منطقه مرکزی شمال اتیوپی است.
این زبان پس از عربی، دومین زبان بزرگ سامی از نظر شمار گویشوران در جهان است. امهاری زبان قوم امهاره و زبان رسمی جمهوری فدرال دموکراتیک اتیوپی است.
منابع [ویرایش]
مشارکتکنندگان ویکیپدیا، «Amharic»، ویکیپدیای انگلیسی، دانشنامهٔ آزاد. (بازیابی در ۲ نوامبر ۲۰۰۷).
این یک نوشتار خُرد پیرامون زبان و زبانشناسی است. با گسترش آن به ویکیپدیا کمک کنید.
ن • ب • و
زبانهای سامی امروزی
آرامی نو · اَمهاری · اینور · تیگره · تیگرینیایی · چَها · سُریانی · سیلته · سودو · عبری · عربی جنوبی · عربی · مالتی · مَندائی نو · هَراری ·
ردهها: زبانهای اتیوپی زبانهای سامی زبانها
قس امهری
አማርኛ የኢትዮጵያ መደበኛ ቋንቋ ነው። ከሴማዊ ቋንቋዎች እንደ ዕብራይስጥ ወይም ዓረብኛ አንዱ ነው። እንዲያውም 27 ሚሊዮን ያህል ተናጋሪዎች እያሉት፣ አማርኛ ከአረብኛ ቀጥሎ ትልቁ ሴማዊ ቋንቋ ነው። የሚጻፈውም በአማርኛ ፊደል ነው። አማርኛ ክዓረብኛና ከዕብራይስጥ ያለው መሰረታዊ ልዩነት አንደ ላቲን ከግራ ወደ ቀኝ መጻፉ ነው።
የሐማራ * ግዛት ተብሎ የሚታወቀው ቦታ በአሁኑ መካከለኛና ደቡብ ወሎ ይገኝ እንደነበር በታሪክ ይጠቀሳል[1]። ከክርስቶስ ልደት በፊት ከ200-130ዓ.ዓ. የነበረው አጋታርከስ ስለ ቀይ ባህር እና አካባቢው ሲጽፍ፣ ትሮጎዶላይት ያላቸው ህዝቦች --τής Kαμάρ λέξιςα ( የካማራ Camàra ቋንቋ) ወየንምKαμάρα λέξιςα ( ካማራ Camàra ቋንቋ) ይናገሩ እንደነበር ዘግቧል[2]። ከዚህ ተነስተው የተለያዩ ታሪክ አጥኝወች የአጋታርከስ ካማራ ቋንቋ የአሁኑ አማርኛ ወላጅ እንደሆነ ያስረዳሉ[3][4][5]።
ትክክለኛው አማርኛ አንዳንዴ «የቋንቋ ንጉሥ» ወይም ደግሞ «ልሳነ ንጉሥ» በመሰየም ታወቋል።
[ለማስተካከል]የውጭ መያያዣዎች
አማርኛ-እንግሊዝኛ መዝገበ ቃላት
ኢትዮፒክ.ኮም በኣበራ ሞላ
አዲስ ሳይንስ
ዋርካ - ውይይት በአማርኛ
ፌስ ቡክ በአማርኛ
ግዕዝኤዲት ነፃ የአማርኛ መክተቢያ
ጉግል በአማርኛ
የኢትዮጵያ ፊደል
የiPhone አማርኛ ቋንቋ መማሪያ
ታይፕ፥ ኢሜል፥ እና ቴክስት በአማርኛ - iPhone
itunes.com/apps/amharic [1]
itunes.com/apps/ahaz [2]
^ የኢትዮጵያ ካርታ 1459 በዝርዝር
^ James Cowles Prichard, Researches into the physical history of mankind: Researches into the physical ethnography of the African races, Volume 2, Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, London, 1837 (page 145)
^ Amharic Language, The national encyclopædia: a dictionary of universal knowledge, London, 1879
^ The Encyclopædia Britannica, or, Dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature, Volume 13 , (1855), Page 219
^ Louis J. Morié, Les civilisations africaines: L'Abyssinie (Éthiopie moderne) avec un appendice diplomatique, (1904) Page 25
ታሪካዊ ቦታዎች - አክሱም | ላሊበላ | ጎንደር | ነጋሽ | ሐረር | ደብረ-ዳሞ | አዲስ አበባ
አስተዳደራዊ ክልሎች - ትግራይ | አፋር | አማራ | ኦሮሚያ | ሶማሌ | ቤንሻንጉል-ጉምዝ | ደቡብ ብሔሮች ብሔረሰቦችና ሕዝቦች | ጋምቤላ | ሐረሪ | አዲስ አበባ | ድሬዳዋ
ቋንቋዎች - አማርኛ | ግዕዝ | ኦሮምኛ | ትግርኛ | ጉራጊኛ | ሶማሊኛ | አፋርኛ | ሲዳምኛ | ሃዲያኛ | ከምባትኛ | ወላይትኛ | ጋሞኛ | ከፋኛ | ሃመርኛ | ስልጢኛ | ሀደሪኛ
መልክዓ-ምድር - አባይ | አዋሽ | ራስ-ዳሽን | ሶፍ-ዑመር | ጣና | ደንከል | ላንጋኖ | አቢያታ | ሻላ
ከተሞች - የኢትዮጵያ ከተሞች
(ይህ ቋንቋ ነክ ጽሑፍ መሠረት ወይም መዋቅር ነው። እርስዎ ሊያስፋፉት ይችላሉ!)
መደቦች: ቋንቋ ነክ መዋቅሮችአማርኛ
قس عربی
الأمهریة (አማርኛ أَمَرِنّْیَ) لغة إثیوبیا الرسمیة، وهی لغة سامیة تتبع المجموعة الجنوبیة الغربیة ویتحدث بها سکان إثیوبیا، لکن أثرت علیها لغات کوشیة کثیرا.
اللغة الأمهریة تنحدر من اللغة الحبشیة من اللغة السبئیة.
تکتب بالخط الجعزی والخط المسندی. أصبحت لغة رسمیة فی القرن الثالث عشر، لأنها کانت لغة الملوک .
هذه بذرة مقالة عن لغة تحتاج للنمو والتحسین، فساهم فی إثرائها بالمشارکة فی تحریرها.
[عدل]انظر أیضا
اللغة الأرغوبیة (شبیهة للأمهریة)
بوابة اللغة
[أظهر]ع · ن · ت
اللغات السامیة
تصنیفان: لغات سامیة جنوب أثیوبیالغات إثیوبیا
قس ترکی آذری
Amhar dili — Efiopiyanın şimalında yayılmış bu dildə təqribən 16 milyona qədər adam danışır. Efiopiyanın dövlət dilidir.
Bir-birindən qismən fərqlənən üç dialekti vardır: şoan, qocan və hondar. Amhar dilinin fonem tərkibi 7 sait və 28 samitdən ibarətdir. Sintaktik baxımdan sabit söz sırası (MXT) mövcuddur. Cümlənin xəbəri adətən sonda gəlir.
Dil ilə əlaqədar bu məqalə qaralama halındadır. Məqaləni redaktə edərək Vikipediyanı zənginləşdirin.
Kateqoriyalar: Dil qaralamalarıAmhar diliEfiopiya dilləriEritreya dilləri
قس کوردی
زمانی ئەمھەری ([amarɨɲɲa]) زمانێکە لە بنەماڵەی زمانە سامییەکان کە لە ئەتیۆپیا قسەی پێدەکرێ. ئەمھەری دوای عەرەبی زۆرترین ئاخێوەری ھەیە لە ناو زمانە سامییەکاندا و زمانی فەرمیی ئەتیۆپیایە.
ویکیپیدیا، ئینسایکڵۆپیدیای ئازاد بە زمانی ئەمھەری
ئەمە کۆڵکەوتارێکە. دەتوانی یارمەتیی ویکیپیدیا بدەیت بە فراوانکردنی.
پۆلەکان: کورتزمانەکان
قس عبری
אמהרית (አማርኛ - אָמָרִנְיָה) היא שפה ממשפחת השפות השמיות, שהתפתחה בקרן אפריקה במהלך המאה ה-10. השפה נכתבת באמצעות כתב געז שהתפתח מהאלפבית הדרום ערבי, בכתב זה כל סימן גרפי מייצג הברה (המורכבת בדרך כלל מעיצור ותנועה), מבחינת הדקדוק ואוצר המלים הושפעה האמהרית מהלשונות הכושיות.
באתיופיה האמהרית היא השפה הרשמית במדינות אמהרה, דרום אתיופיה, בנישנגול-גומאז, גמבלה ובערים אדיס אבבה ודירה דאווה. דוברי אמהרית נמצאים גם בישראל ובארצות הברית, ישנם דוברים דו-לשוניים של האמהרית עם השפות אנגלית, עברית, ערבית.
תוכן עניינים [הצגה]
[עריכה]הכתב וההגאים
[עריכה]העיצורים והאותיות
ערך מורחב – כתב געז
טבלת האותיות (fidäl) באמהרית
תנועה (סֶדֶר) אות עברית עם מבטא דומה
ותעתיק פונטי
/ o / / ə / / e / / a / / i / / u / / ä /
ሆ ህ ሄ ሃ ሂ ሁ * ሀ h ה
ሎ ል ሌ ላ ሊ ሉ ለ l ל
ሖ ሕ ሔ ሓ ሒ ሑ * ሐ h ה (בגעז = ח)
ሞ ም ሜ ማ ሚ ሙ መ m מ
ሦ ሥ ሤ ሣ ሢ ሡ ሠ s שׂ שמאלית
ሮ ር ሬ ራ ሪ ሩ ረ r ר
ሶ ስ ሴ ሳ ሲ ሱ ሰ s ס
ሾ ሽ ሼ ሻ ሺ ሹ ሸ š שׁ (לא קיימת בגעז)
ቆ ቅ ቄ ቃ ቂ ቁ ቀ k' ק סדקי
ቦ ብ ቤ ባ ቢ ቡ በ b ב
ቶ ት ቴ ታ ቲ ቱ ተ t ת
ቾ ች ቼ ቻ ቺ ቹ ቸ č צ' (כמו בצ'לו)
ኆ ኅ ኄ ኃ ኂ ኁ * ኀ h ה (מקביל אטימולוגית ל-خ בערבית)
ኖ ን ኔ ና ኒ ኑ ነ n נ
ኞ ኝ ኜ ኛ ኚ ኙ ኘ ñ נ' חִכִּית (אין בעברית, כמו gn ב-"bagno" באיטלקית)
ኦ እ ኤ ኣ ኢ ኡ * አ ʔ א
ኮ ክ ኬ ካ ኪ ኩ ከ k כּ
ኾ ኽ ኼ ኻ ኺ ኹ ኸ h/x ה (או כ' רפה)
ዎ ው ዌ ዋ ዊ ዉ ወ w וּ (כמו ב"וושינגטון")
ዖ ዕ ዔ ዓ ዒ ዑ * ዐ ʔ א (מקביל אטימולוגית ל-ע)
ዞ ዝ ዜ ዛ ዚ ዙ ዘ z ז
ዦ ዥ ዤ ዣ ዢ ዡ ዠ z ז' (כמו ב"ז'רגון")
ዮ ይ ዬ ያ ዪ ዩ የ y י
ዶ ድ ዴ ዳ ዲ ዱ ደ d ד
ጆ ጅ ጄ ጃ ጂ ጁ ጀ ǧ ג' (כמו ב"ג'ורג'")
ጎ ግ ጌ ጋ ጊ ጉ ገ g ג
ጦ ጥ ጤ ጣ ጢ ጡ ጠ t' ט סדקי
ጮ ጭ ጬ ጫ ጪ ጩ ጨ č' צ' סדקי
ጶ ጵ ጴ ጳ ጲ ጱ ጰ p' פּ סדקי
ጾ ጽ ጼ ጻ ጺ ጹ ጸ s' צ או ס סדקי
ፆ ፅ ፄ ፃ ፂ ፁ ፀ s' צ או ס סדקי
ፎ ፍ ፌ ፋ ፊ ፉ ፈ f פֿ (רפה)
ፖ ፕ ፔ ፓ ፒ ፑ ፐ p פּ (דגושה)
אמהרית נמנעת מצירוף העיצורים ʔ ו-h עם התנועה ä, ועל כן האותיות שאמורות לסמל את ההברות ʔä/hä נהגות במקום זאת ʔa/ha, בהתאמה. למקרים החריגים שכן נדרשת הגיית ההברה ʔä, הומצאה האות החדשה ኧ.
באמהרית יש שבע תנועות: סגורה קדמית, סגורה מרכזית וסגורה אחורית מעוגלת; אמצעית קדמית, אמצעית מרכזית (שווא) ואמצעית אחורית מעוגלת; ותנועה פתוחה מרכזית. כפי שניתן לראות בטרפז התנועות משמאל, הגייתן של ארבע התנועות הקדמיות והאחוריות משתנה בין הניבים השונים של אמהרית, ולעתים בעלות גוון מרכזי יותר.
(מימין לנקודה הלבנה תנועה מעוגלת, ומשמאל לה בלתי מעוגלת)
קדמיות כמעט קדמיות מרכזיות כמעט אחוריות אחוריות
סגורות i • ɨ • • u
כמעט סגורות •
חצי סגורות e • • • o
אמצעיות ə
חצי פתוחות • • •
כמעט פתוחות •
פתוחות a • •
צורת הפועל באמהרית היא שמית מובהקת, ומאוד דומה לצורת הפועל העברי. הדמיון הצורני הוא בכך שכל פועל אמהרי מורכב משלוש מורפמות: השורש העיצורי משובץ בסירוג בתבנית-תנועות (לפי הבניין) ליצירת הבסיס, ואל הבסיס מתחברת מוספית (תחילית, סופית או מוספית-מסגרת) המציינת גוף, מין ומספר. לדוגמה, הפועל ሰበረ סֶבֶּרֶה ("הוא שָבַר") מורכב משלוש מורפמות: השורש ስብረ sbr (מקביל לעברית שב"ר) משתבץ בתבנית-התנועות של זמן עבר ä-ä, ליצירת הבסיס ሰበር- säbr, ולבסיס זה מצטרפת הסופית המציינת גוף-שלישי-זכר-יחיד -ä.
נטיית הפועל האמהרי - שורש תלת-עיצורי (ፈለገ=רצה)
זמן-אספקט: עבר (Perfect) הווה-עתיד (Imperfect) עבר מתמשך/רחוק (Simple Gerund) עבר קרוב/ ממושך/ מושלם (Compound Gerund) ציווי (Imperative) הצעה (Jussive)
גוף, מין ומספר
אני ፈለግኩ እፈልጋለሁ ፈልጌ ፈልጌያለሁ -- ልፈልግ
אתה ፈለግክ ትፈልጋለህ ፈልገህ ፈልገሃል ፈልግ --
את ፈለግሽ ትፈልጊያለሽ ፈልገሽ ፈልገሻል ፈልጊ --
הוא ፈለገ ይፈልጋል ፈልጎ ፈልጓል -- ይፈልግ
היא ፈለገች ትፈልጋለች ፈልጋ ፈልጋለች -- ትፈልግ
אנחנו ፈለግን እንፈልጋለን ፈልገን ፈልገናል -- እንፈልግ
אתם/ן ፈለጋችሁ ትፈልጋላችሁ ፈልጋችሁ ፈልጋችኋል ፈልጉ --
הם/ן (או צורת נימוס) ፈለጉ ይፈልጋሉ ፈልገው ፈልገዋል -- ይፈልጉ
[עריכה]קישורים חיצוניים
מיזמי קרן ויקימדיה
ויקיפדיה בשפה זו: אמהרית
ערך מילוני בוויקימילון: אמהרית
ספר לימוד בוויקיספר: אמהרית
דף על אמהרית מתוך אתר אתנולוג
הכתב האמהרי באתר אומניגלוט
מילון מקוון אנגלי-אמהרי ואמהרי-אנגלי
רן הכהן: אמהרית, אחות שמית חורגת
קטגוריות: ויקיפדיה: ערכים הדורשים השלמהשפות אתיו-שמיותאמהריתביתא ישראל: שפות
قس انگلیسی
Amharic (Amharic: አማርኛ? amarəñña) is a Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia. It is the second most-spoken Semitic language in the world, after Arabic, and the official working language of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Thus, it has official status and is used nationwide. Amharic is also the official or working language of several of the states within the federal system. It has been the working language of government, the military, and of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church throughout medieval and modern times. Outside Ethiopia, Amharic is the language of some 2.7 million emigrants. It is written using Amharic Fidel, ፊደል, which grew out of the Ge'ez abugida—called, in Ethiopian Semitic languages, ፊደል fidel ("alphabet", "letter", or "character") and አቡጊዳ abugida (from the first four Ethiopic letters, which gave rise to the modern linguistic term abugida).
Contents [show]
[edit]Consonant and vowel phonemes
The Ethiopic (or Ge'ez) writing system is visible on the side of this Ethiopian Airlines Fokker 50: it reads "Ethiopia's": የኢትዮጵያ (ye-Ītyōṗṗyā).
There is no agreed way of transliterating Amharic into Roman characters. The Amharic examples in the sections below use one system that is common, though not universal, among linguists specializing in Ethiopian Semitic languages. The Amharic ejective consonants sound very sharp[1] and correspond to the Proto-Semitic "emphatic consonants", usually transcribed with a dot below the letter. The consonant and vowel charts give these symbols in parentheses where they differ from the standard IPA symbols.
Bilabial Dental Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ (ñ)
Plosive voiceless p t k ʔ (ʾ)
voiced b d ɡ
ejective pʼ (p', p̣) tʼ (t', ṭ) kʼ (q, ḳ)
Affricate voiceless tʃ (č)
voiced dʒ (ǧ)
ejective tsʼ (s', ṣ) tʃʼ (č', č̣)
Fricative voiceless f s ʃ (š) h
voiced v* z ʒ (ž)
Approximant l j (y) w
Rhotic r
* - Only in words borrowed from English and other languages
Front Central Back
High i ɨ (ə) u
Mid e ə (ä) o
Low a
[edit]Writing system
[edit]Fidel signs
See also: Ge'ez alphabet
Amharic Fidel is an abugida, in that each character represents a consonant+vowel combination, and the characters are organized in groups of similar symbols on the basis of both the consonant and the vowel. Some phonemes can be represented by more than one series of symbols: /'/, /s'/, and /h/ (the last has four distinct letter forms). The citation form for each series is the consonant+/ä/ form, i.e. the first column of fidel. You will need a font that supports Ethiopic, such as GF Zemen Unicode,[2] in order to view the fidel.
Non-speakers are often disconcerted or astonished by the remarkable similarity of many of the symbols. This is mitigated somewhat because, like many Semitic languages, Amharic uses triconsonantal roots in its verb morphology. The result of this is that a fluent speaker of Amharic can often decipher written text by observing the consonants, with the vowel variants being supplemental detail.
A modern usage of Amharic: the label of a Coca-Cola bottle. The script reads ኮካ-ኮላ (koka-kola).
Logo of EBFNA
Chart of Amharic fidels[3][4]
[ə] u i a e ə
[ɨ] o ʷä
[ʷə] ʷi ʷa ʷe ʷə
h ሀ ሁ ሂ ሃ ሄ ህ ሆ
l ለ ሉ ሊ ላ ሌ ል ሎ ሏ
ḥ ሐ ሑ ሒ ሓ ሔ ሕ ሖ ሗ
m መ ሙ ሚ ማ ሜ ም ሞ ሟ
ś ሠ ሡ ሢ ሣ ሤ ሥ ሦ ሧ
r ረ ሩ ሪ ራ ሬ ር ሮ ሯ
s ሰ ሱ ሲ ሳ ሴ ስ ሶ ሷ
š ሸ ሹ ሺ ሻ ሼ ሽ ሾ ሿ
ḳ ቀ ቁ ቂ ቃ ቄ ቅ ቆ ቈ ቊ ቋ ቌ ቍ
b በ ቡ ቢ ባ ቤ ብ ቦ ቧ
v ቨ ቩ ቪ ቫ ቬ ቭ ቮ ቯ
t ተ ቱ ቲ ታ ቴ ት ቶ ቷ
č ቸ ቹ ቺ ቻ ቼ ች ቾ ቿ
ḫ ኀ ኁ ኂ ኃ ኄ ኅ ኆ ኈ ኊ ኋ ኌ ኍ
n ነ ኑ ኒ ና ኔ ን ኖ ኗ
ñ ኘ ኙ ኚ ኛ ኜ ኝ ኞ ኟ
ʾ አ ኡ ኢ ኣ ኤ እ ኦ ኧ
k ከ ኩ ኪ ካ ኬ ክ ኮ ኰ ኲ ኳ ኴ ኵ
x ኸ ኹ ኺ ኻ ኼ ኽ ኾ
w ወ ዉ ዊ ዋ ዌ ው ዎ
ʿ ዐ ዑ ዒ ዓ ዔ ዕ ዖ
z ዘ ዙ ዚ ዛ ዜ ዝ ዞ ዟ
ž ዠ ዡ ዢ ዣ ዤ ዥ ዦ ዧ
y የ ዩ ዪ ያ ዬ ይ ዮ
d ደ ዱ ዲ ዳ ዴ ድ ዶ ዷ
ǧ ጀ ጁ ጂ ጃ ጄ ጅ ጆ ጇ
g ገ ጉ ጊ ጋ ጌ ግ ጎ ጐ ጒ ጓ ጔ ጕ
ṭ ጠ ጡ ጢ ጣ ጤ ጥ ጦ ጧ
č̣ ጨ ጩ ጪ ጫ ጬ ጭ ጮ ጯ
p̣ ጰ ጱ ጲ ጳ ጴ ጵ ጶ ጷ
ṣ ጸ ጹ ጺ ጻ ጼ ጽ ጾ ጿ
ṣ́ ፀ ፁ ፂ ፃ ፄ ፅ ፆ
f ፈ ፉ ፊ ፋ ፌ ፍ ፎ ፏ
p ፐ ፑ ፒ ፓ ፔ ፕ ፖ ፗ
[ə] u i a e ə
[ɨ] o ʷä
[ʷə] ʷi ʷa ʷe ʷə
As in most other Ethiopian Semitic languages, gemination is contrastive in Amharic. That is, consonant length can distinguish words from one another; for example, alä 'he said', allä 'there is'; yǝmätall 'he hits', yǝmmättall 'he is hit'. Gemination is not indicated in Amharic orthography, but Amharic readers seem not to find this to be a problem. This property of the writing system is analogous to the vowels of Arabic and Hebrew or the tones of many Bantu languages, which are not normally indicated in writing. The noted Ethiopian novelist Haddis Alemayehu, who was an advocate of Amharic orthography reform, indicated gemination in his novel Fǝqǝr Ǝskä Mäqabǝr by placing a dot above the characters whose consonants were geminated, but this practice has not caught on.
[edit]Personal pronouns
In most languages, there is a small number of basic distinctions of person, number, and often gender that play a role within the grammar of the language. We see these distinctions within the basic set of independent personal pronouns, for example, English I, Amharic እኔ ǝne; English she, Amharic እሷ ǝsswa. In Amharic, as in other Semitic languages, the same distinctions appear in three other places within the grammar of the languages.
Simple Amharic Sentences
One may construct simple Amharic sentences by using subject and predicate. Here are a few simple sentences.
Ethiopia is in Africa.
Ethiopia Africa wist Nat.
Here the word wist Nat is almost similar to saying she’s inside, which assumes Ethiopia has a female gender. Another example.
The boy is asleep.
Liju tegn-tual.
The word Liju (The boy/boy) has its roots from Lij (child). The predicate following Liju tells us the boy has already slept, tegn-tual.
* The hyphen used here is an aid to help pronounce the word in the right way. It does not indicate a compound.
The weather is Good.
Ayeru Des-yilal or similarly, Ayeru t’-iru naew .
Ayeru directly refers to the weather while des-yila shows happiness.
He came to the city.
Esu Ketema me – t’ -a.
me – t’ -a / Esu me – t’ -a should refer to he came, where ketema is the city.
* t’ indicates special emphasis here—pronounce by placing your tongue in between your upper and lower front teeth.
She watched TV.
Esua TV ayech.[5]
Subject–verb agreement
All Amharic verbs agree with their subjects; that is, the person, number, and (second- and third-person singular) gender of the subject of the verb are marked by suffixes or prefixes on the verb. Because the affixes that signal subject agreement vary greatly with the particular verb tense/aspect/mood, they are normally not considered to be pronouns and are discussed elsewhere in this article under verb conjugation.
Object pronoun suffixes
Amharic verbs often have additional morphology that indicates the person, number, and (second- and third-person singular) gender of the object of the verb.
አልማዝን አየኋት
almazǝn ayyähʷ-at
Almaz-ACC I-saw-her
'I saw Almaz'
While morphemes such as -at in this example are sometimes described as signaling object agreement, analogous to subject agreement, they are more often thought of as object pronoun suffixes because, unlike the markers of subject agreement, they do not vary significantly with the tense/aspect/mood of the verb. For arguments of the verb other than the subject or the object, there are two separate sets of related suffixes, one with a benefactive meaning (to, for), the other with an adversative or locative meaning (against', to the detriment of, on', at).
ለአልማዝ በሩን ከፈትኩላት
lä’almaz bärrun käffätku-llat
for-Almaz door-DEF-ACC I-opened-for-her
'I opened the door for Almaz'
በአልማዝ በሩን ዘጋሁባት
bä’almaz bärrun zäggahu-bbat
on-Almaz door-DEF-ACC I-closed-on-her
'I closed the door on Almaz (to her detriment)'
Morphemes such as -llat and -bbat in these examples will be referred to in this article as prepositional object pronoun suffixes because they correspond to prepositional phrases such as for her and on her, to distinguish them from the direct object pronoun suffixes such as -at 'her'.
Possessive suffixes
Amharic has a further set of morphemes that are suffixed to nouns, signalling possession: ቤት bet 'house', ቤቴ bete, my house, ቤቷ; betwa, her house.
In each of these four aspects of the grammar, independent pronouns, subject–verb agreement, object pronoun suffixes, and possessive suffixes, Amharic distinguishes eight combinations of person, number, and gender. For first person, there is a two-way distinction between singular (I) and plural (we), whereas for second and third persons, there is a distinction between singular and plural and within the singular a further distinction between masculine and feminine (you m. sg., you f. sg., you pl., he, she, they).
Amharic is a pro-drop language. That is, neutral sentences in which no element is emphasized normally do not have independent pronouns: ኢትዮጵያዊ ነው ityop'p'ǝyawi näw 'he's Ethiopian,' ጋበዝኳት ‘gabbäzkwat I invited her. The Amharic words that translate he, I, and her do not appear in these sentences as independent words. However, in such cases, the person, number, and (second- or third-person singular) gender of the subject and object are marked on the verb. When the subject or object in such sentences is emphasized, an independent pronoun is used: እሱ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነው ǝssu ityop'p'ǝyawi näw 'he's Ethiopian', እኔ ጋበዝኳት ǝne gabbäzkwat 'I invited her', እሷን ጋበዝኳት ǝsswan gabbäzkwat I invited her.
The table below shows alternatives for many of the forms. The choice depends on what precedes the form in question, usually whether this is a vowel or a consonant, for example, for the 1st person singular possessive suffix, አገሬ agär-e 'my country', ገላዬ gäla-ye 'my body'.
Amharic Personal Pronouns
English Independent Object pronoun suffixes Possessive suffixes
Direct Prepositional
Benefactive Locative/Adversative
I እኔ
ǝne -(ä/ǝ)ñ -(ǝ)llǝñ -(ǝ)bbǝñ -(y)e
you (m. sg.) አንተ
antä -(ǝ)h -(ǝ)llǝh -(ǝ)bbǝh -(ǝ)h
you (f. sg.) አንቺ
anči -(ǝ)š -(ǝ)llǝš -(ǝ)bbǝš -(ǝ)š
he እሱ
ǝssu -(ä)w, -t -(ǝ)llät -(ǝ)bbät -(w)u
she እሷ
ǝsswa -at -(ǝ)llat -(ǝ)bbat -wa
we እኛ
ǝñña -(ä/ǝ)n -(ǝ)llǝn -(ǝ)bbǝn -aččǝn
you (pl.) እናንተ
ǝnnantä -aččǝhu -(ǝ)llaččǝhu -(ǝ)bbaččǝhu -aččǝhu
they እነሱ
ǝnnässu -aččäw -(ǝ)llaččäw -(ǝ)bbaččäw -aččäw
Within second- and third-person singular, there are two additional "polite" independent pronouns, for reference to people that the speaker wishes to show respect towards. This usage is an example of the so-called T-V distinction that is made in many languages. The polite pronouns in Amharic are እርስዎ ǝrswo you sg. pol. and እሳቸው ǝssaččäw s/he pol.. Although these forms are singular semantically—they refer to one person—they correspond to third-person plural elsewhere in the grammar, as is common in other T-V systems. For the possessive pronouns, however, the polite 2nd person has the special suffix -wo your sg. pol.
For possessive pronouns (mine, yours, etc.), Amharic adds the independent pronouns to the preposition yä- 'of': የኔ yäne 'mine', ያንተ yantä 'yours m. sg.', ያንቺ yanči 'yours f. sg.', የሷ yässwa 'hers', etc.
[edit]Reflexive pronouns
For reflexive pronouns ('myself', 'yourself', etc.), Amharic adds the possessive suffixes to the noun ራስ ras 'head': ራሴ rase 'myself', ራሷ raswa 'herself', etc.
[edit]Demonstrative pronouns
Like English, Amharic makes a two-way distinction between near ('this, these') and far ('that, those') demonstrative expressions (pronouns, adjectives, adverbs). Besides number, as in English, Amharic also distinguishes masculine and feminine gender in the singular.
Amharic Demonstrative Pronouns
Number, Gender Near Far
Singular Masculine ይህ yǝh(ǝ) ያ ya
Feminine ይቺ yǝčči, ይህች yǝhǝčč ያቺ
Plural እነዚህ ǝnnäzzih እነዚያ ǝnnäzziya
There are also separate demonstratives for formal reference, comparable to the formal personal pronouns: እኚህ ǝññih 'this, these (formal)' and እኒያ ǝnniya 'that, those (formal)'.
The singular pronouns have combining forms beginning with zz instead of y when they follow a preposition: ስለዚህ sǝläzzih 'because of this; therefore', እንደዚያ ǝndäzziya 'like that'. Note that the plural demonstratives, like the second and third person plural personal pronouns, are formed by adding the plural prefix እነ ǝnnä- to the singular masculine forms.
Amharic nouns can be primary or derived. A noun like əgər 'foot, leg' is primary, and a noun like əgr-äñña 'pedestrian' is a derived noun.
Amharic nouns can have a masculine or feminine gender. There are several ways to express gender. An example is the old suffix -t for femininity. This suffix is no longer productive and is limited to certain patterns and some isolated nouns. Nouns and adjectives ending in -awi usually take the suffix -t to form the feminine form, e.g. ityop':ya-(a)wi 'Ethiopian (m.)' vs. ityop':ya-wi-t 'Ethiopian (f.)'; sämay-awi 'heavenly (m.)' vs. sämay-awi-t 'heavenly (f.)'. This suffix also occurs in nouns and adjective based on the pattern qət(t)ul, e.g. nəgus 'king' vs. nəgəs-t 'queen' and qəddus 'holy (m.)' vs. qəddəs-t 'holy (f.)'.
Some nouns and adjectives take a feminine marker -it: ləǧ 'child, boy' vs. ləǧ-it 'girl'; bäg 'sheep, ram' vs. bäg-it 'ewe'; šəmagəlle 'senior, elder (m.)' vs. šəmagəll-it 'old woman'; t'ot'a 'monkey' vs. t'ot'-it 'monkey (f.)'. Some nouns have this feminine marker without having a masculine opposite, e.g. šärär-it 'spider', azur-it 'whirlpool, eddy'. There are, however, also nouns having this -it suffix that are treated as masculine: säraw-it 'army', nägar-it 'big drum'.
The feminine gender is not only used to indicate biological gender, but may also be used to express smallness, e.g. bet-it-u 'the little house' (lit. house-FEM-DEF). The feminine marker can also serve to express tenderness or sympathy.
Amharic has special words that can be used to indicate the gender of people and animals. For people, wänd is used for masculinity and set for femininity, e.g. wänd ləǧ 'boy', set ləǧ 'girl'; wänd hakim 'physician, doctor (m.)', set hakim 'physician, doctor (f.)'. For animals, the words täbat, awra, or wänd (less usual) can be used to indicate masculine gender, and anəst or set to indicate feminine gender. Examples: täbat t'əǧa 'calf (m.)'; awra doro 'cock (rooster)'; set doro 'hen'.
The plural suffix -očč is used to express plurality of nouns. Some morphophonological alternations occur depending on the final consonant or vowel. For nouns ending in a consonant, plain -očč is used: bet 'house' becomes bet-očč 'houses'. For nouns ending in a back vowel (-a, -o, -u), the suffix takes the form -ʷočč, e.g. wəšša 'dog', wəšša-ʷočč 'dogs'; käbäro 'drum', käbäro-ʷočč 'drums'. Nouns that end in a front vowel pluralize using -ʷočč or -yočč, e.g. s'ähafi 'scholar', s'ähafi-ʷočč or s'ähafi-yočč 'scholars'. Another possibility for nouns ending in a vowel is to delete the vowel and use plain očč, as in wəšš-očč 'dogs'.
Besides using the normal external plural (-očč), nouns and adjectives can be pluralized by way of reduplicating one of the radicals. For example, wäyzäro 'lady' can take the normal plural, yielding wäyzär-očč, but wäyzazər 'ladies' is also found (Leslau 1995:173).
Some kinship-terms have two plural forms with a slightly different meaning. For example, wändəmm 'brother' can be pluralized as wändəmm-očč 'brothers' but also as wändəmmam-ač 'brothers of each other'. Likewise, əhət 'sister' can be pluralized as əhət-očč ('sisters'), but also as ətəmm-am-ač 'sisters of each other'.
In compound words, the plural marker is suffixed to the second noun: betä krəstiyan 'church' (lit. house of Christian) becomes betä krəstiyan-očč 'churches'.
[edit]Archaic forms
Amsalu Aklilu has pointed out that Amharic has inherited a large number of old plural forms directly from Classical Ethiopic (Ge'ez) (Leslau 1995:172). There are basically two archaic pluralizing strategies, called external and internal plural. The external plural consists of adding the suffix -an (usually masculine) or -at (usually feminine) to the singular form. The internal plural employs vowel quality or apophony to pluralize words, similar to English man vs. men and goose vs. geese. Sometimes combinations of the two systems are found. The archaic plural forms are not productive anymore, which means that they are not be used to form new plurals.
Examples of the external plural: mämhər 'teacher', mämhər-an; t'äbib 'wise person', t'äbib-an; kahən 'priest', kahən-at; qal 'word', qal-at.
Examples of the internal plural: dəngəl 'virgin', dänagəl; hagär 'land', ahəgur.
Examples of combined systems: nəgus 'king', nägäs-t; kokäb 'star', käwakəb-t; mäs'əhaf 'book', mäs'ahəf-t.
If a noun is definite or specified, this is expressed by a suffix, the article, which is -u or -w for masculine singular nouns and -wa, -itwa or -ätwa for feminine singular nouns. For example:
masculine sg masculine sg definite feminine sg feminine sg definite
bet bet-u gäräd gärad-wa
house the house maid the maid
In singular forms, this article distinguishes between the male and female gender; in plural forms this distinction is absent, and all definites are marked with -u, e.g. bet-očč-u 'houses', gäräd-očč-u 'maids'. As in the plural, morphophonological alternations occur depending on the final consonant or vowel.
Amharic has an accusative marker, -(ə)n. Its use is related to the definiteness of the object, thus Amharic shows differential object marking. In general, if the object is definite, the accusative must be used.
ləǧ-u wəšša-w-ən abbarär-ä.
child-def dog-def-acc chase-3msSUBJ
'The child chased the dog.'
*ləǧ-u wəšša-w abbarär-ä.
child-def dog-def chase-3msSUBJ
'The child chased the dog.'
The accusative suffix is usually placed after the first word of the noun phrase:
Yəh-ən sä’at gäzz-ä.
this-acc watch buy-3msSUBJ
'He bought this watch.'
Amharic has various ways to derive nouns from other words or other nouns. One way of nominalizing consists of a form of vowel agreement (similar vowels on similar places) inside the three-radical structures typical of Semitic languages. For example:
CəCäC: — t'əbäb 'wisdom'; həmäm 'sickness'
CəCCaC-e: — wəffar-e 'obesity'; č'əkkan-e 'cruelty'
CəC-ät: — rət'b-ät 'moistness'; 'əwq-ät 'knowledge'; wəfr-ät 'fatness'.
There are also several nominalizing suffixes.
-ənna: — 'relation'; krəst-ənna 'Christianity'; sənf-ənna 'laziness'; qes-ənna 'priesthood'.
-e, suffixed to place name X, yields 'a person from X': goǧǧam-e 'someone from Gojjam'.
-äñña and -täñña serve to express profession, or some relationship with the base noun: əgr-äñña 'pedestrian' (from əgər 'foot'); bärr-äñña 'gate-keeper' (from bärr 'gate').
-ənnät and -nnät — '-ness'; ityop'yawi-nnät 'Ethiopianness'; qərb-ənnät 'nearness' (from qərb 'near').
As in other Semitic languages, Amharic verbs use a combination of prefixes and suffixes to indicate the subject, distinguishing 3 persons, two numbers and (in all persons except first-person and "honorific" pronouns) two genders.
Along with the infinitive and the present participle, the gerund is one of three non-finite verb forms. The infinitive is a nominalized verb, the present participle expresses incomplete action, and the gerund expresses completed action, e.g. ali məsa bälto wädä gäbäya hedä 'Ali, having eaten lunch, went to the market'. There are several usages of the gerund depending on its morpho-syntactic features.
[edit]Verbal use
The gerund functions as the head of a subordinate clause (see the example above). There may be more than one gerund in one sentence. The gerund is used to form the following tense forms:
present perfect nägro -all/näbbär 'He has said'.
past perfect nägro näbbär 'He had said'.
possible perfect nägro yəhonall 'He (probably) has said'.
[edit]Adverbial use
The gerund can be used as an adverb: alfo alfo yəsəqall 'Sometimes he laughs'. əne dägmo mämt'at əfälləgallähu 'I also want to come'.
Adjectives are words or constructions used to qualify nouns. Adjectives in Amharic can be formed in several ways: they can be based on nominal patterns, or derived from nouns, verbs and other parts of speech. Adjectives can be nominalized by way of suffixing the nominal article (see Nouns above). Amharic has few primary adjectives. Some examples are dägg 'kind, generous', dəda 'mute, dumb, silent', bič'a 'yellow'.
[edit]Nominal patterns
CäCCaC — käbbad 'heavy'; läggas 'generous'
CäC(C)iC — räqiq 'fine, subtle'; addis 'new'
CäC(C)aCa — säbara 'broken'; t'ämama 'bent, wrinkled'
CəC(C)əC — bələh 'intelligent, smart'; dəbbəq' 'hidden'
CəC(C)uC — kəbur 'worthy, dignified'; t'əqur 'black'; qəddus 'holy'
[edit]Denominalizing suffixes
-äñña — hayl-äñña 'powerful' (from hayl 'power'); əwnät-äñña 'true' (from əwnät 'truth')
-täñña — aläm-täñña 'secular' (from aläm 'world')
-awi — ləbb-awi 'intelligent' (from ləbb 'heart'); mədr-awi 'earthly' (from mədr 'earth'); haymanot-awi 'religious' (from haymanot 'religion')
[edit]Prefix yä
yë-kětëmã 'urban' (lit. 'from the city'); yë-krəstənna 'Christian' (lit. 'of Christianity'); yë-wəšĥĔt 'wrong' (lit. 'of falsehood')
In the same way, a relative perfectum or imperfectum can be used as an adjective by prefixing yä:
yë-běssēlē 'ripe, done' (lit. 'what has been cooked/prepared'); yë-qoyyĖ 'old' (lit. 'what remained'); yë-mm-ikkËtÃtël 'following' ('that what is following', from yë-kËtÃtëläl 'to follow'); yë-mm-ittay ŅëÕ 'visible' (lit. 'what is seen')
[edit]Adjective noun complex
The adjective and the noun together are called the 'adjective noun complex'. In Amharic, the adjective precedes the noun, with the verb last; e.g. kəfu geta 'a bad master'; təlləq bet särra (lit. big house he-built) 'he built a big house'.
If the adjective noun complex is definite, the definite article is suffixed to the adjective and not to the noun, e.g. təlləq-u bet (lit. big-def house) 'the big house'. In a possessive construction, the adjective takes the definite article, and the noun takes the pronominal possessive suffix, e.g. təlləq-u bet-e (lit. big-def house-my) "my big house".
When enumerating adjectives using -nna 'and', both adjectives take the definite article: qonǧo-wa-nna astäway-wa ləǧ mät't'ačč (lit. pretty-def-and intelligent-def girl came) "the pretty and intelligent girl came". In the case of an indefinite plural adjective noun complex, the noun is plural and the adjective may be used in singular or in plural form. Thus, 'diligent students' can be rendered təgu tämariʷočč (lit. diligent student-PLUR) or təguʷočč tämariʷočč (lit. diligent-PLUR student-PLUR).
[edit]Literature in Amharic
There is a growing body of literature in Amharic in many genres. This literature includes government proclamations and records, educational books, religious material, novels, poetry, proverb collections, dictionaries (monolingual and bilingual), technical manuals, medical topics, etc. The Holy Bible was first translated into Amharic by Abu Rumi in the early 19th century, but has been retranslated a number of times since. The most famous Amharic novel is Fiqir Iske Meqabir (transliterated various ways) by Haddis Alemayehu (1909–2003), translated into English by Sisay Ayenew with the title Love unto Crypt, published in 2005 (ISBN 978-1-4184-9182-6).
[edit]Translation companies
Because of the rapid growth of Ethiopian communities in Europe, the United States and Canada, several public service organizations started to offer Amharic language translation and interpretation services.
The etymology of the word Rastafari actually comes from Amharic. Ras Tafari was the pre-regnal title of Haile Selassie I, composed of the Amharic words Ras (literally "Head", an Ethiopian title equivalent to duke), and Haile Selassie's pre-regnal given name, Tafari.
Many Rastafarians learn Amharic as a second language, as they consider it to be a sacred language. During the late 1960s study circles in Amharic were organized in Jamaica—a sort of Rastafarian parallel to the contemporary movement for civil rights in the United States. It was also a function of the post-colonial, Pan-African identity and Rastafarian awareness sweeping the ghetto after Haile Selassie’s 1966 visit to the island. Various reggae artists in the 70s, in the style later called roots reggae, including Ras Michael, Lincoln Thompson and Misty-in-Roots, have written songs in Amharic, thus bringing the sounds of this language to a wider audience. Especially the Abyssinians have used Amharic as sacred languages in their songs.[6]
Satta Massagana
A notable early attempt to use Amharic in reggae was the song "Satta Massagana" by the Abyssinians, mistakenly believed to mean "Give thanks". However, this "Amharic" phrase seems to have been derived from looking in a bilingual dictionary and finding the entries säţţä for "give" (actually "he gave") and 'amässägänä for "thank" or "praise" (actually "he thanked" or "he praised"), by those unaware of the correct inflections of these verbs, the convention of always listing verbs in the past tense third person, or the pronunciation of the diacritical marks[citation needed]. The actual way to say "give thanks" in Amharic is only one word, misgana. Ironically, owing to the vast popularity of this song, "to satta" has even entered modern Rastafarian vocabulary as a verb meaning "to sit down and partake".
The Amharic script is included in Unicode, although typically no fonts are included on computers by default to display the Amharic Script. Now people can post in forums and blogs, send e-mail, or publish Web sites in Amharic. There are several free software programs, and also some commercial ones, for writing in Amharic. Some such software packages are: Keyman, GeezEdit, Hewan Amharic Software, AbeshaSoft and PowerGe'ez. In February 2010, Microsoft released its Windows Vista operating system in Amharic, enabling Amharic speakers to use its operating system in their language. Google has added Amharic to its Language Tools[7] which allow typing Amharic Script online without an Amharic Keyboard.
^ http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
^ ftp://ftp.ethiopic.org/pub/fonts/TrueType/gfzemenu.ttf
^ Daniels, Peter T.; Bright, William, eds. (1996). "Ethiopic Writing". The World's Writing Systems. Oxford University Press, Inc. p. 573. ISBN 978-0-19-507993-7.
^ "Principles and Specification for Mnemonic Ethiopic Keyboards". Retrieved 6 February 2012.
^ September 28, 2010 (2010-09-28). "Simple Amharic Sentences". Bigaddis. Retrieved 2012-03-04.
^ "SNWMF 2005 - Performers". Snwmf.com. Retrieved 2012-03-04.
^ "Google". Google. Retrieved 2012-03-04.
Ethnologue entry for Amharic
Abraham, Roy Clive (1968). The Principles of Amharic. Occasional Publication / Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan. [rewritten version of 'A modern grammar of spoken Amharic', 1941]
Afevork Ghevre Jesus (1905) Grammatica della lingua amarica. Roma.
Afevork Ghevre Jesus (1911) Il verbo amarico. Roma.
Amsalu Aklilu & Demissie Manahlot (1990) T'iru ye'Amarinnya Dirset 'Indet Yale New! (An Amharic grammar, in Amharic)
Anbessa Teferra and Grover Hudson. 2007. Essentials of Amharic. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.
Appleyard, David (1994) Colloquial Amharic, Routledge ISBN 0-415-10003-8
Bender, M. Lionel. (1974) Phoneme frequencies in Amharic. Journal of Ethiopian Studies 12.1:19-24
Bender, M. Lionel and Hailu Fulass. (1978). Amharic verb morphology. (Committee on Ethiopian Studies, monograph 7.) East Lansing: African Studies Center, Michigan State University.
Bennet, M.E. (1978) Stratificational Approaches to Amharic Phonology. PhD thesis, Ann Arbor: Michigan State University.
Cohen, Marcel (1936) Traité de langue amharique. Paris: Institut d'Ethnographie.
Cohen, Marcel (1939) Nouvelles études d'éthiopien merdional. Paris: Champion.
Dawkins, C. H. (¹1960, ²1969) The Fundamentals of Amharic. Addis Ababa.
Kapeliuk, Olga (1988) Nominalization in Amharic. Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden. ISBN 3-515-04512-0
Kapeliuk, Olga (1994) Syntax of the noun in Amharic. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. ISBN 3-447-03406-8.
Łykowska, Laura (1998) Gramatyka jezyka amharskiego Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog. ISBN 83-86483-60-1
Leslau, Wolf (1995) Reference Grammar of Amharic. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden. ISBN 3-447-03372-X
Ludolf, Hiob (1968) Grammatica Linguæ Amharicæ. Frankfort.
Praetorius, Franz (1879) Die amharische Sprache. Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses.
Abbadie, Antoine d' (1881) Dictionnaire de la langue amariñña. Actes de la Société philologique, t. 10. Paris.
Amsalu Aklilu (1973) English-Amharic dictionary. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-572264-7
Baeteman, J.-É. (1929) Dictionnaire amarigna-français. Diré-Daoua
Gankin, É. B. (1969) Amxarsko-russkij slovar'. Pod redaktsiej Kassa Gäbrä Heywät. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo `Sovetskaja Éntsiklopedija'.
Guidi, I. (1901) Vocabolario amarico-italiano. Roma.
Guidi, I. (1940) Supplemento al Vocabolario amarico-italiano. (compilato con il concorso di Francesco Gallina ed Enrico Cerulli) Roma.
Kane, Thomas L. (1990) Amharic–English Dictionary. (2 vols.) Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. ISBN 3-447-02871-8
Leslau, Wolf (1976) Concise Amharic Dictionary. (Reissue edition: 1996) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-20501-4
Täsämma Habtä Mikael Gəṣṣəw (1953 Ethiopian calendar) Käsate Bərhan Täsämma. Yä-Amarəñña mäzgäbä qalat. Addis Ababa: Artistic.
[edit]External links
Amharic language edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Links to free Amharic fonts
Learn Amharic (Organization teaching grammar vocabulary and phrases)
Windows Vista Amharic Language Pack
USA Foreign Service Institute Amharic basic course
An Amharic Reference Grammar by Wolf Leslau (1969) at ERIC
Amharic Bible at St-Takla.org
Unicode Ethiopic chartsPDF (250 KB) (Also SupplementalPDF (65.2 KB) and ExtendedPDF (100 KB))
Voice of America Amharic news broadcasts in Voice of America website
Christian recordings in Amharic in Global Recordings website
Selected Annotated Bibliography on Amharic by Grover Hudson at the Michigan State University website.
GeezEdit Online for Typing in Amharic ግዕዝኤዲት በነፃ by Dr. Aberra Molla
The Amharic–English Medical Dictionary audiovisual Amharic–English medical dictionary website
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قس روسی
Амхарский язык (አማርኛ /amarɨɲɲa/) — язык народа амхара; государственный язык Эфиопии. Число говорящих на амхарском языке в Эфиопии ок. 25 млн чел. (2003, оценка). Распространён также среди некоторых народностей сопредельных стран (в Эритрее, Сомали и в восточных районах Судана).
Содержание [показать]
Амхарский язык один из эфиосемитских языков (южная подгруппа), входящих в семитскую семью, хотя и обладает рядом отличий и в большей степени подвергся кушитизации.
В амхарском языке условно выделяются 3 слабо отличающихся друг от друга диалекта: шоанский, годжамский и гондарский.
Зачатки амхарской литературы восходят к XIV—XV векам (записи военных песен, исторических событий и пр.). Как литературный язык амхарский язык начал развиваться с конца XIX века и особенно с 1940—1950-х годов. До XVII века эфиопская литература развивалась на древнеэфиопском языке геэз. Первым исследователем амхарского языка в Европе был Хиоб Лудольф (XVII в.)
[править]Лингвистическая характеристика
Фонетическая система амхарского языка характеризуется наличием 7 гласных и 28 согласных фонем, в том числе одного фарингального h и ларингального ?. Существуют глоттализованные согласные k, t, аффрикаты ç, č, соответствующие фарингализованным (эмфатическим) в семитских языках Азии.
Губные Зубные Палатально-альвеолярные
Палатальные Велярные Глоттальные
Взрывные Глухие p t k ʔ (ʾ)
Звонкие b d g
Смычно-гортанные pʼ (p', p̣) tʼ (t', ṭ) kʼ (q, ḳ)
Аффрикаты Глухие ʧ (č)
Звонкие ʤ (ǧ)
Смычно-гортанные ʦ' (s') ʧʼ (č', č̣)
Фрикативные Глухие f s ʃ (š) h
Звонкие z ʒ (ž)
Носовые m n ɲ (ñ)
Плавные w l j (y)
Дрожащие r
Подъём/ряд Передний Средний Задний
Высокий i ɨ (ə) u
Средний e ə (ä) o
Низкий a
[править]Морфология и синтаксис
Сохранились породы и словопроизводство на основе трёхсогласного корня, прерывистых аффиксов, флексии корня, однако наибольшее распространение имеет суффиксальное словообразование. Порядок слов типичный для кушитских языков: определение (в том числе придаточное предложение) предшествует определяемому, сказуемое располагается в конце фразы.
Письменность на основе слогового эфиопского письма с дополнит. знаками, образованными для передачи особых амхарских звуков, а также отсутствием традиционного разделения слов двумя точками. Первые известные записи на амхарском языке («военные песни») датируются XIV в.
Амхарская письменность
ä u i a e ə o
h ሀ ሁ ሂ ሃ ሄ ህ ሆ
l ለ ሉ ሊ ላ ሌ ል ሎ
h ሐ ሑ ሒ ሓ ሔ ሕ ሖ
m መ ሙ ሚ ማ ሜ ም ሞ
s ሠ ሡ ሢ ሣ ሤ ሥ ሦ
r ረ ሩ ሪ ራ ሬ ር ሮ
s ሰ ሱ ሲ ሳ ሴ ስ ሶ
š ሸ ሹ ሺ ሻ ሼ ሽ ሾ
q ቀ ቁ ቂ ቃ ቄ ቅ ቆ
b በ ቡ ቢ ባ ቤ ብ ቦ
t ተ ቱ ቲ ታ ቴ ት ቶ
č ቸ ቹ ቺ ቻ ቼ ች ቾ
h ኀ ኁ ኂ ኃ ኄ ኅ ኆ
n ነ ኑ ኒ ና ኔ ን ኖ
ñ ኘ ኙ ኚ ኛ ኜ ኝ ኞ
ʾ አ ኡ ኢ ኣ ኤ እ ኦ
k ከ ኩ ኪ ካ ኬ ክ ኮ
h ኸ ኹ ኺ ኻ ኼ ኽ ኾ
w ወ ዉ ዊ ዋ ዌ ው ዎ
ʾ ዐ ዑ ዒ ዓ ዔ ዕ ዖ
z ዘ ዙ ዚ ዛ ዜ ዝ ዞ
ž ዠ ዡ ዢ ዣ ዤ ዥ ዦ
y የ ዩ ዪ ያ ዬ ይ ዮ
d ደ ዱ ዲ ዳ ዴ ድ ዶ
ǧ ጀ ጁ ጂ ጃ ጄ ጅ ጆ
g ገ ጉ ጊ ጋ ጌ ግ ጎ
t' ጠ ጡ ጢ ጣ ጤ ጥ ጦ
č' ጨ ጩ ጪ ጫ ጬ ጭ ጮ
p' ጰ ጱ ጲ ጳ ጴ ጵ ጶ
s' ጸ ጹ ጺ ጻ ጼ ጽ ጾ
s' ፀ ፁ ፂ ፃ ፄ ፅ ፆ
f ፈ ፉ ፊ ፋ ፌ ፍ ፎ
p ፐ ፑ ፒ ፓ ፔ ፕ ፖ
Титов Е. Г. Современный амхарский язык. М., 1971;
Титов Е. Г. Грамматика амхарского языка. М., 1991;
Юшманов Н. В. Строй амхарского языка. Л., 1936;
Юшманов Н. В. Амхарский язык. — [2-е изд. доп.]. — М.: Издательство восточной литературы, 1959. — 50 с. — (Языки зарубежного Востока и Африки). — 1 000 экз.
Инструкция по русской передаче географических названий Эфиопии /Сост. Е. В. Горовая; Ред. Э. Б. Ганкин. М., 1971
Cohen M. Traité de langue amharique P., 1936; 1970;
Hartmann J. Amharische Grammatik. Wiesbaden, 1980.
d’Abbadie A. T.. Dictionnaire de la langue amariñña. Actes de la Société philologique, t. 10. Paris, 1881
Ганкин Э. Б. Амхарско-русский словарь М., 1969;
Leslau W. Concise Amharic Dictionary. Wiesbaden, 1976;
Kane Th.L. Amharic-English Dictionary, Wiesbaden, 1990.
On-Line словарь амхарского языка
«Википедия» содержит раздел
на амхарском языке
«ዋናው ገጽ»
В Викисловаре список слов амхарского языка содержится в категории «Амхарский язык»
Амгарский язык // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона: В 86 томах (82 т. и 4 доп.). — СПб., 1890—1907.
Амхарский алфавит на сайте omniglot.com
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قس چینی
阿姆哈拉语(አማርኛ Amharic)是衣索比亞的官方語言,主要使用者是來自于伊索比亚地區的中部的阿姆哈拉人,並廣用于大衣索比亞地區。阿姆哈拉语主要用吉茲字母(Ge’ez)來書寫,它是一種原來用來書寫吉茲語的文字,屬於古老的閃語族,在公元4世紀之前已通行于阿拉伯南部地區。阿姆哈拉语有36個子音字母,母音七個但是沒有字母,再將36個子音搭配七個母音形成253個「字母」(稱為「婓德子母音合成字母」或「斐德字母(Fidel)」,從"qaf"、"kaf"、"gäml"、"härm"、"h"這五組子音字母所分出的"u"音系列只有5個斐德字母,而其它各組都有完備的7個字母),標點符號字母有6個(逗點、句點、冒號、半冒號、前冒號、疑問號),有20個數字符號字母其值為(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 1000)。
除此之外衣索比亞亦使用吉茲語(主要用在埃塞俄比亚正教的儀式,以及衣索比亞猶太人的社區裡)、奧羅莫語(Afaan Oromoo,屬於"庫希特語族<Cushitic>,通行于衣索比亞、肯亞、索馬里、及埃及地區,自1991年開始被OLF<奧羅莫解放陣線>定案由吉茲字母改為用26個拉丁字母來拼音),及"提格雷語"(Tigre,主要用于北部的厄立特里亞,目前亦使用吉茲字母來拼寫)等三種。
目录 [显示]
雙唇音 齒音 腭音 軟腭音 喉音
塞音 清音 p t̪ č(ʧ) k ' (ʔ)
濁音 b d̪ ğ(ʤ) g
噴音 þ(p’) ţ(t’)【 Ş(tsʼ)】 ç(ʧ’) q(k’)
擦音 清音 f s(θ) š(ʃ) h
濁音 z(ð) ž(ʒ)
鼻音 m n̪ ñ(ɲ)
流音 l y w
拍音/顫音 r
前舌面音 中舌面音 後舌面音
高 i ɨ(ə) u
中 e ə/ø(ä) o
低 a
[编辑]阿姆哈拉語"阿布基得"(子母音合成)字型(亦稱"斐德字母" ፊደል)
由下列字型表中可了解到,有一些音素有兩組的婓德字母如"qaf"、"kaf"、"gäml"、"härm",而在"h"卻有四組,在這些組群中所分出"u"音系列只拼出5個婓德字母。于婓德字母表中,母音是依其引用次序(ä、y、i、a、e、ə、o)來排列,而子音是以其音節種類來分組群順序(請參考上列之子音音素表)。婓德字母構成的方式是由最左邊第一欄上的子音加上最上邊列的母音所合成的,公式如:婓德字母=(子音+母音)。不過你要能夠看到這些婓德字體可能需要外加的阿姆哈拉语字型軟體來配合,這兒提供一種名為GF Zemen Unicode的字碼,可以在此網址上下載(ftp://ftp.ethiopic.org/pub/fonts/TrueType/gfzemenu.ttf ),之後,請將<gfzemenu.ttf>這個檔案放入Windows-XP或Windows系列<如果使用Windows的作業系統>控制面板<Control Panel>的字型檔里<Fonts>即可。
ä u i a e ə/ø o
psa(p) ፐ(pä) ፑ(pu) ፒ(pi) ፓ(pa) ፔ(pe) ፕ(pə) ፖ(po)
täwe(t) ተ(tä) ቱ(tu) ቲ(ti) ታ(ta) ቴ(te) ት(tə) ቶ(to)
č ቸ(čä) ቹ(ču) ቺ(či) ቻ(ča) ቼ(če) ች(čə) ቾ(čo)
kaf(k) ከ(kä) ኩ(ku) ኪ(ki) ካ(ka) ኬ(ke) ክ(kə) ኮ(ko)
ኰ(kuä) ኲ(kui) ኳ(kua) ኴ(kue) ኵ(kuə)
'älf(') አ('ä) ኡ('u) ኢ('i) ኣ('a) ኤ('e) እ('ə) ኦ('o)
bet(b) በ(bä) ቡ(bu) ቢ(bi) ባ(ba) ቤ(be) ብ(bə) ቦ(bo)
dänt(d) ደ(dä) ዱ(du) ዲ(di) ዳ(da) ዴ(de) ድ(də) ዶ(do)
ğ ጀ(ğä) ጁ(ğu) ጂ(ği) ጃ(ğa) ጄ(ğe) ጅ(ğə) ጆ(ğo)
gäml(g) ገ(gä) ጉ(gu) ጊ(gi) ጋ(ga) ጌ(ge) ግ(gə) ጎ(go)
ጐ(guä) ጒ(gui) ጓ(gua) ጔ(gue) ጕ(guə)
þäyt(þ) ጰ(þä) ጱ(þu) ጲ(þi) ጳ(þa) ጴ(þe) ጵ(þə) ጶ(þo)
ţäyt(ţ) ጠ(ţä) ጡ(ţu) ጢ(ţi) ጣ(ţa) ጤ(ţe) ጥ(ţə) ጦ(ţo)
çäyt(ç) ጨ(çä) ጩ(çu) ጪ(çi) ጫ(ça) ጬ(çe) ጭ(çə) ጮ(ço)
qaf(q) ቀ(qä) ቁ(qu) ቂ(qi) ቃ(qa) ቄ(qe) ቅ(qə) ቆ(qo)
ቈ(quä) ቊ(qui) ቋ(qua) ቌ(que) ቍ(quə)
şädäy(ş) ጸ(şä) ጹ(şu) ጺ(şi) ጻ(şa) ጼ(şe) ጽ(şə) ጾ(şo)
äf(f) ፈ(fä) ፉ(fu) ፊ(fi) ፋ(fa) ፌ(fe) ፍ(fə) ፎ(fo)
sat(s) ሰ(sä) ሱ(su) ሲ(si) ሳ(sa) ሴ(se) ስ(sə) ሶ(so)
š ሸ(šä) ሹ(šu) ሺ(ši) ሻ(ša) ሼ(še) ሽ(šə) ሾ(šo)
h ኸ(hä) ኹ(hu) ኺ(hi) ኻ(ha) ኼ(he) ኽ(hə) ኾ(ho)
ቈ(huä) ቊ(hui) ቋ(hua) ቌ(hue) ቍ(huə)
härm(h) ቀ(hä) ቁ(hu) ቂ(hi) ቃ(qa) ቄ(he) ቅ(hə) ቆ(ho)
ቈ(huä) ቊ(hui) ቋ(hua) ቌ(hue) ቍ(huə)
hoy(h) ሀ(hä) ሁ(hu) ሂ(hi) ሃ(ha) ሄ(he) ህ(hə) ሆ(ho)
häwt(h) ሐ(hä) ሑ(hu) ሒ(hi) ሓ(ha) ሔ(he) ሕ(hə) ሖ(ho)
zäy(z) ዘ(zä) ዙ(zu) ዚ(zi) ዛ(za) ዜ(ze) ዝ(zə) ዞ(zo)
ž ዠ(žä) ዡ(žu) ዢ(ži) ዣ(ža) ዤ(že) ዥ(žə) ዦ(žo)
may(m) መ(mä) ሙ(mu) ሚ(mi) ማ(ma) ሜ(me) ም(mə) ሞ(mo)
nähas(n) ነ(nä) ኑ(nu) ኒ(ni) ና(na) ኔ(ne) ን(nə) ኖ(no)
ñ ኘ(ñä) ኙ(ñu) ኚ(ñi) ኛ(ña) ኜ(ñe) ኝ(ñə) ኞ(ño)
wäwe(w) ወ(wä) ዉ(wu) ዊ(wi) ዋ(wa) ዌ(we) ው(wə) ዎ(wo)
läwe(l) ለ(lä) ሉ(lu) ሊ((li) ላ(la) ሌ(le) ል(lə) ሎ(lo)
yämän(y) የ(yä) ዩ(yu) ዪ(yi) ያ(ya) ዬ(ye) ይ(yə) ዮ(yo)
rə's(r) ረ(rä) ሩ(ru) ሪ(ri) ራ(ra) ሬ(re) ር(rə) ሮ(ro)
Abraham, Roy Clive. 1968. The Principles of Amharic. Occasional Publication / Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan. [rewritten version of ‘A modern grammar of spoken Amharic’ van 1941]
Leslau, Wolf. 1995. Reference Grammar of Amharic. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden.
Ethnologue on Amharic
Amharic Translation and Localization service by Ethiotrans.com
List of free online resources for learners
Amharic language on Ethnologue
Amharic Language Sample
Unicode Ethiopic charts (Also Supplemental and Extended)
Voice of America Amharic news broadcasts in Voice of America website
Christian recordings in Amharic in Global Recordings website
Simon Ager多語網站
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