زیب النسا
نویسه گردانی:
زیب النسا یا زینبالنساءبیگم (۱۶۳۷ م/ ۱۰۴۸ ه.ق - ۱۷۰۲م/۱۱۱۲ه.ق)، متخلص به «مخفی»، بزرگترین دختر اورنگزیب عالمگیر پادشاه گورکانی هند و یکی از خوشنویسان هند و از شاعران سبک هندی در ادبیات فارسی و تصوف است.
وی زنی ادیب و دانش دوست، هنرمند و هنرپرور بود. به ادبیات فارسی و عربی علاقه فراوان داشت و قرآن را حفظ بود. خطهای نستعلیق، نسخ و شکسته را نیک مینوشته و کتب بسیار به نام او تالیف کردهاند. وی گاه شعر میسروده و در بدیهه چیرهدست بود. سبک شعر او سبک هندی است.
از نوشتههای او میتوان به کتاب زیبالمنشآت اشاره کرد. در شعر «مخفی» تخلص میکرد. این بیت را از او میدانند:
درسخن مخفی شدم مانند بو در برگ گل میل دیدن هرکه دارد در سخن بیند مرا
زیبالنسا به دلیل مناعت طبع تا پایان عمر به ازدواج تن در نداد. مزار وی در دهلی است.
تصویری از کاخ زیب النسا دهه ۱۸۸۰ در اورنگآباد
تبار [ویرایش]
زیبالنسا دختر اورنگزیب و نوهٔ شاهجهان، امپراتوران گورکانی هند بود. او از سوی مادری تباری ایرانی داشت. پدربزرگ زیبالنسا از سوی مادری میرزا بدیعالزمان صفوی (شاهنوازخان) نام داشت که از شاهزادگان مشهد بود. نیای میرزا بدیعالزمان یکی از پسران شاه اسماعیل صفوی بود.[۱]
پانوشت [ویرایش]
↑ A. Krieger-Krynicki
منابع [ویرایش]
این مقاله شامل بخشهایی به قلم محمد معین (درگذشته در ۲۱ تیر ۱۳۵۰) است. حقوق معنوی آن بخشها برای محمد معین محفوظ است.
فرهنگ فارسی دکتر معین
دادههای جدول اطلاعاتی از:
A. Krieger-Krynicki، Captive princess: Zebunissa، Karachi: Oxford University Press، ۲۰۰۵.
فضایلی، حبیبالله. اطلس خط. انتشارات مشعل اصفهان. چاپ دوم، اصفهان۱۳۶۲ش.
ن • ب • و
شاعران ادبیات فارسی که ساکن کشورهای فارسیزبان جز ایران بودهاند
ن • ب • و
فارسی دری
ردهها: اسلام و زناناهالی آگرهدرگذشتگان ۱۷۰۲ (میلادی)زادگان ۱۶۳۷ (میلادی)شاعران اهل هندشاعران پارسیگوشاعران پارسیگوی سده یازدهم قمریشاعران زنشاعران سبک هندیصفویانهندیهای ایرانیتبار
قس عربی
زیب النساء (1048 - 1113 هـ) هی البنت الکبرى للسطان اورنگ زیب عالمگیر و هی أدیبة و شاعرة و خطاطة و حافظة للقرآن ، عارفة باللغتین العربیة و الفارسیة.
هی زیب النساء بنت عالمگیر الهندی ، المشتهرة فی شعرها بمخفی. ولدت فی الهند 1048 هـ ، وقیل 1047 هـ و توفیت فی الهند 1113 هـ ، ودفنت فی دهلی.[1]
من آثارها: «زیب المنشئات» و دیوان شعر و تفسیر للقرآن یسمى «زیب التفاسیر» ، قیل أنه التفسیر الوحید التى کتبته إمرأة. فقد قال محمد خیر یوسف: "فی «معجم المفسرین من صدر الإسلام حتى العصر الحاضر» ، لعادل نویهض ، الذی ضُمت محتویاته فی مجلدین ضخمین.. لم أر فیه سوى ذکر إمرأة واحدة لها تفسیر ، وهی: زیب النساء بنت الشاه محیی الدین أورنک زیب عالمکیر."[2]
^ . زیب النساء. مشــاهیر شــعراء الشیعة / الجزء الثانی. مرکز آل البیت العالمی للمعلومات. وُصِل لهذا المسار فی تشرین 2012.
^ العفانی,سید بن حسین (1997 م). صلاح الأمة فی علو الهمة - ج 7. مؤسسة الرسالة. ص. 180-181.
هذه بذرة مقالة عن حیاة شخصیة هندیة تحتاج للنمو والتحسین، ساهم فی إثرائها بالمشارکة فی تحریرها.
هناک المزید من الصور والملفات فی ویکیمیدیا کومنز حول: زیب النساء
تصنیفات: شعراء فرسشعراء هنودصوفیون هنودشاعراتمفسرونالنساء والإسلامموالید 1047 هـموالید 1048 هـوفیات 1113 هـموالید 1637وفیات 1702
قس انگلیسی
Zēb-un-Nisā Makhfī (Persian: زیب النساء مخفی)*[1] (1637–1702) was a Princess of the Mughal Empire as the eldest daughter of Emperor Aurangzeb and Empress Dilras Banu Begum. She was also a Sufi poet, who wrote under the pen name “Makhfi” (مخفی, “Hidden One”). Imprisoned by her father in the last 20 years of her life at Salimgarh Fort, Delhi, Princess Zeb-un-Nissa is remembered as a Sufi and a poet, and her writings were collected posthumously as Diwan-i-Makhfi.[2]
Contents [show]
[edit]Detailed biography
Zeb-un-Nissa's palace, 1880, Aurangabad.
Zeb-un-Nissa, the eldest child of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb (known as Alamgeer), was born during the reign of her grandfather, Shah Jahan. Her mother was Dilras Banu Begum, daughter of Shah Nawaz Khan, who was a member of the Safavid dynasty, the then ruling dynasty of Iran.[3][4] Zeb-un-Nissa was her father's favourite child, and because of this she could compel him to pardon people who had offended him.
Her father charged Mariam, one of the women of the court, with the education of Zeb-un-Nissa. Through her efforts, Zeb-un-Nissa memorized the Quran in three years and became a Hafiz at age seven. This occasion was celebrated by her father with a great feast and public holiday.[5] She then learned the sciences of the time with Mohammad Saeed Ashraf Mazandarani. Zeb-un-Nissa learned philosophy, mathematics, astronomy[6] and Literature, and knew Persian, Arabic and Urdu.[7] She had a good reputation in calligraphy as well.[8] It is said that: "she collected a fine library and employed skilled calligraphers to copy rare and valuable books for her."[9]
Zeb-un-Nissa started to narrate poems in Persian from the age of 14, but as her father did not like poetry, she used to write secretly. Ustad Bayaz, one of her teachers, found her poems and encouraged her to continue narrating them. It is reported that in the court of Aurangzeb, there used to be hidden literary and poetic parties among "great" poets like Ghani Kashmiri, Naimatullah Khan and Aqil Khan Razi, and Zeb-un-Nissa participated secretly in these parties.
When Aurangzeb became the emperor after Shah Jahan, Zeb-un-Nissa was 21-years old. Aurangzeb found out about the talent and capacity of his daughter and began to discuss the political affairs of his Empire with her, listening to her opinions. It has been mentioned in some books that Aurangzeb sent all the royal princes for the reception of Zeb-un-Nissa each time she entered the court. Zeb-un-Nissa had four other sisters: Zeenat-un-Nissa, Badr-un-Nissa, Mehr-un-Nissa and Zebdat-un-Nissa. Among them, Zeenat-un-Nissa and Zebdat-un-Nissa wrote poems too.
Zeb-un-Nissa did not get married and (marriage-wise) remained single her whole life, despite the fact that she had many suitors. She spent all her life on literary works and poetry, as she herself said:
“ Oh Makhfi, it is the path of love and alone you must go.
No one suits your friendship even if Jesus be though. ”
In some books it has been written that there was a secret love affair between Zeb-un-Nissa and Aqil Khan Razi, a poet and the governor of Lahore. However, others disagree with the prior theory. For example, in her poetic book (Diwan), some would argue that one cannot find a single Ghazal which supports this point and that all of her poems are based on the Sufi concept of the Love of God.
According to certain sources, "dehumanizing" scandals (created and/or written by some foreigners) regarding the lives of Mughal ladies were not uncommon (during the post-Renaissance era). For example, a claim of: "A sordid episode of [Zeb-un-Nissa's] carnal romance with Aqil Khan Razi and his death inside a hot cauldron with burning fire under it, gained wider currency and was eagerly picked up by the... populace." However, other sources state that Razi lived long (as a government official) and died naturally.[8]
Regarding her looks, "... she is described as being tall and slim, her face round and fair in colour, with two moles, or beauty-spots, on her left cheek. Her eyes and abundant hair were very black, and she had thin lips and small teeth. In Lahore Museum is a contemporary portrait, which corresponds to this description... In dress she was simple and austere; in later life she always wore white, and her only ornament was a string of pearls round her neck."[9]
Zeb-un-Nissa lived in a period when many "great" poets were at the peak of their reputation; e.g. Mawlana Abdul Qader Bedil, Kalim Kashani, Saa’eb Tabrizi and Ghani Kashmiri. There is a noticeable influence of Hafez Sherazi’s style on the poetry of Zeb-un-Nissa. However, she is considered as one of the poets of the Indian School of Poetry in Persian.
Zeb-un-Nissa selected “Makhfi” (which means Hidden One in Persian) as her pen-name in her poetry. In addition to her poetic book or collection of poems, called Diwan, which contains approximately 5,000 verses, she also wrote the following books: Monis-ul-Roh, Zeb-ul Monsha’at and Zeb-ul-Tafasir. In Maghzan-ul Ghara’eb, the author writes that the poetic book of Zeb-un-Nissa contained 15,000 verses.
[edit]Later years and imprisonment
In 1662, when Aurangzeb was taken ill and his physicians prescribed a change in the environment, he took his family and court with him to Lahore. At that time Akil Khan, the son of his vizier, was Governor of that city.[10] In the following period, they allegedly had a brief yet failed affair,[11] after which Auranzeb began to distrust her and later imprisoned her at the Salimgarh Fort, Delhi, at the edge of Shahjahanabad (present Old Delhi).[12] Other theories suggest that she was imprisoned for being a poetess and a musician (both anathema to Aurangzeb’s austere, more orthodox and fundamental way of life and thinking) and/or for being sympathetic to her brother Muhammad Akbar, who was persona non–grata with the Emperor.[13][14]
Here after 20 years of imprisonment, Zeb-un-Nissa died in 1702, while Aurangzeb was on a trip to the Deccan.
Her tomb was in the garden of "Thirty thousand trees", outside of the Kabuli Gate, the west gate of the city. But when the railway line was laid out at Delhi, her tomb with its inscribed tombstone was shifted to Akbar's mausoleum at Sikandra, Agra.[citation needed] In 1724, years after her death, her scattered and extant writings were collected under the name of the Diwan-i-Makhfi, literally, the Book of the Hidden One. It contained four hundred and twenty-one ghazals and several ruba'is. Subsequently, in 1730 other ghazals were added to the manuscript, which was also illuminated.[2]
Her poetic book was printed in Delhi in 1929 and in Tehran in 2001. Its manuscripts are in the National Library of Paris, the Library of the British Museum, the Library of Tübingen University in Germany and in the Mota Library in India.
[edit]Sample Translations
Her Ghazal is telling the story of love:
You with the dark burly hair and the breathtaking eyes,
your inquiring glance that leaves me undone.
Eyes that pierce and then withdraw like a blood-stained sword,
eyes with dagger lashes!
Zealots, you are mistaken - this is heaven.
Never mind those making promises of the afterlife:
join us now, righteous friends, in this intoxication.
Never mind the path to the Kaabah: sanctity resides in the heart.
Squander your life, suffer! God is right here.
Oh excruciating face! Continual light!
This is where I am thrilled, here, right here.
There is no book anywhere on the matter.
Only as soon as I see you do I understand.
If you wish to offer your beauty to God, give Zibunisa
a taste. Awaiting the tiniest morsel, she is right here.[15]
Princesss Zeb-un-nissa (1920). Divan-i Makhf (Persian). Lahore Amrit Press.
Zeb-un-nissa; Tr. by Paul Whalley (1913). The Tears Of Zebunnisa: Being Excerpts from 'The Divan-I Makhf'. W. Thacker & Co..
The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nisa: The First Fifty Ghazals, Translation by Magan Lal and Jessie Duncan Westbrook. John Murray, London, 1913.[16] Packard Institute
Captive Princess: Zebunissa, Daughter of Emperor Aurangzeb, by Annie Krieger Krynicki, Enjum Hamid (Tr.). Oxford University Press, 2006. ISBN 0195798376.
^ Also romanized as Zebunnisa, Zebunniso, Zebunnissa, Zebunisa, Zeb al-Nissa. زیب Zēb means "beauty" or "ornament" in Persian and نساء Nissa means "women" in Arabic, Zebunnisa means "most beautiful of all women"
^ a b Lal, p. 20
^ Lal, p. 7
^ The Nation: Aurangzeb daughter's monument in a shambles (16 July 2009)
^ Lal, p. 8
^ WISE: Muslim Women: Past and Present - Zebunnisa
^ Sacred-texts.com: The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa (Index) - Magan Lal and Jessie Duncan Westbrook (1913)
^ a b Hadi, Nabi (1995). Dictionary Of Indo-Persian Literature. Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts, Shakti Malik Abhinav Publications, Tara Chand Sons. pp. 638-639. ISBN 81-7017-311-6.
^ a b Sacred-texts.com: The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa (Introduction) - Magan Lal and Jessie Duncan Westbrook (1913) p.13-14
^ Lal, p. 14
^ Lal, p. 16
^ Lal, p. 17
^ Annie Krieger Krynick; Enjum Hamid. Captive Princess; Zebunissa, Daughter of Emperor Aurangzeb. Retrieved 2009-05-31. "The book revolves around Princess Zebunissa (1638-1702) who is defined as the symbol of female power of the Mughal dynasty and portrays their stature in the court life in the seventeenth century...For her the name signified a life dramatically suppressed, cut off from the world. Her mysterious and unexpected imprisonment is also described in this book: Zebunissa's fate changed drastically when she was sent to prison by her father Aurangzeb, where she died leaving a landmark near the Red Fort of Delhi."
^ "Memories of Ferghana". Retrieved 2009-05-31. "MUSIC and dance? But wasn’t that ‘‘unIslamic’’ in a country celebrating an Islamic revival, I’d thought back then, as I twirled at an Uzbek soiree at Kokand in the Ferghana Valley. My hostess had snatched up a daf (dafli in India) and was dancing slowly to a sad Persian song by Zebunissa ‘Makhfi’, an Uzbek-Tajik favourite. She was a princess of Delhi via Ferghana; Aurangzeb’s daughter, whom he jailed for 20 years in Salimgarh, next to the Red Fort, because of her Sufi sympathies. Aurangzeb had killed music in his realm. Zebunissa’s voice sang in her ancestral homeland, though lost to Delhi."
^ "Zibunisso - Ghazal: Daylight". Retrieved 2007-05-11.
^ Tahera Aftab (2008). Inscribing South Asian Muslim Women: An Annotated Bibliography & Research Guide. BRILL. p. 59. ISBN 9004158499.
Magan Lal; Jessie Duncan Westbrook (1913, Public Domain). The Diwan of Zeb-un-Nissa. John Murray, London. p. 7.
B. S. Chandrababu; L. Thilagavathi (2009). Woman, Her History and Her Struggle for Emancipation. Bharathi Puthakalayam. p. 209. ISBN 8189909975.
[edit]External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Zeb-un-Nisa
"The first fifty Ghazals of Diwan-e Makhfi" printed in London, 1913
"The Tears of Zebunnissa" printed in London, 1913
"Palace of Zeb-un-Nissa"
"Diwan e Makhfi -scanned poems collection of Zebunnisa in original Persian
The Friday Times: The poet princess - Sohaib Arshad discovers the diwan of Zebunnissa
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Categories: 1637 births1702 deathsMughal nobilitySafavid dynastyIndian princessesIranian women royaltyIndian SufisSufi poetsPersian women writers17th-century women writersWomen poetsIndian poetsPersian-language poetsIndian people of Iranian descentPeople from AgraIslam and women
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۱ مورد، زمان جستجو: ۰.۰۹ ثانیه
زیب النسا. [ بُن ْ ن ِ ] (اِخ ) (1048 - 1113 هَ . ق .). دختر بزرگ محیی الدین اورنگ زیب . وی زنی ادیب و دانش دوست و هنرپرور بود. در شعر و انشاء ق...